Wednesday 17 August 2011

New toy

So after ages of umming and ahinng i went and bought a camera the other week. I opted for a Sony NEX-5 with seconday zoom lens, this un .I pretty much dont leave the house without it just to get myself used to it,its not quite an SLR but is incredible in low light as you can see from the pictures ill be posting up.

I used to like Charlie Brooker but im having to reconsider my opinion of him following this article on the looting and violence in the UK recently. Can you guess why? I do think he is usually spot on but he obviously isnt aware of the huge trainer culture that exists globally,one which average Joe thug isnt aware of.

Here is a link to the ALFOS (A Love From Outer Space) set from Electric Elephant in July of this year courtesy of the fine gents at Tourist. It rolls in at a mighty 3 hours so enjoy.

Posh new pics up soon.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Random collection of bits like....

Ok so we have Wheatley from the game Portal 2,voiced by Stephen Merchant to a rather humorous script actually.Not the longest of games but highly reccommended.
Me in a new short sleeve Carharrt shirt,not a fan of ss shirts (short sleeved not SS) but the colour was too good to pass up.
Me and beard and leg post night out,i didnt colour it that way.
Nike AF1 duck boots being put to the ultimate test at Parklife music festival in Platt Fields park ,Manchester.
Finally ,white AM90's from the CBF pack.Nike CBF AM90  Actually really comfy and soft ,the leather is nice and the patent-esque side panel/mudguard isn't too flashy.


So my lobster munching,Devo watching friend wants me to update and to be fair its been almost 6 weeks since my last post. Recent things, Nike released a classic model in new colours last week,Selfridges London store only though so with envious eyes i'm watching from afar. This is one pair in the "today i am wearing" section of Crooked Tongues .

My sister and nephew took in a dog from a rehoming centre a while back and i finally met him last week.Tyler is his name apparently not after the creator but i dont believe him.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Been a while

So we have had two long weekends of dossing,partying and doing no good and i am glad of a rest after slightly overdoing it. Here are some visual records of things i got up to and did in Manchester and London over the holiday weekends.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Air Trainer 1

Found in the sale section of Footlocker for £40.How could i not ,especially with this amazing weather (?). Perfect summer beaters.

My cat Mogg

there she is,definitely a cat.

lunar flow on footage

So finally i got them but the weather has been so poor of late i haven't really has a chance to wear them outdoors as yet. Indoor modelling only.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Lunar Flow

Light as a feather,not worn today as it was raining but warmer weather is forecast later in the week.

Mexican bear tattoo

Still needs shading in.Anyone that says after one tattoo the rest are less painful is not telling the truth!This one wrecked!!!

Monday 28 March 2011

Random Pictures and the like

Friend and occasional colleague

A friend and occasional work colleague has set up a blog ,before me, and is aimed at the lady sector of footwear. In our large city (Manchester ,UK) there are very  few trainer shops and even less of a selection for women. The good stores have succumbed to commercalisation and sell uggs and converse and um not alot else. Mainstream stores sell ladies sizes but if you don't like pink or glitter your choice is bluntly shite. Here is her blog and fingers crossed a womens trainer shop of decent standards will be opening as soon as. Shortysneaks

Sorry for the gratuitous Infra pic but its too hot not to post!!

Adidas Copepan

After umming and ahing i finally pulled the trigger (with a discount admittedly) on buying some Adidas Copepan from the Originals KZK range.Others released were Ian Brown ZX (yawn) ,Stan Smiths,Darwen and Nizzas, which looked not too disimilar to Converse.Anyway the best of the bunch...

Thursday 24 March 2011


Finally,after lusting after the classic Roland TR808 drum machine since I was around 16 or 17 I finally have one to call my own. It was around 1991 when i started making music,i had a Novation Bass Station rack,707,a good friends 202 (on occasion),Roland MC303 and an R8 drum machine. It was by my own admission not that good but I took cues from the likes of Richie Hawtin and Conemelt to make recordings direct to tape. All midi synced up,no cubase and all on the fly.
The closest I came to owning an 808 was when I saw one in Johnny Roadhouse for £500,i saved but it went well before I had a chance.This one I now own was an ebay win ,I put a bid in thinking it wouldn't win (I was at work bored) and it won.The price was surprisingly lower than the current average and voila.

In other news I shaved the beard off today but i'll be growing it back.Went for alot of walking about town today and went past this building in Ancoats again,i'm not sure what it used to be but it has obviously been renovated and will undoubtedly be luxury flats or office space.